Rhine Ballet Premier b.03 and upcoming b.02

RhineBuzz were at the Premier of b.03.

We have secured discounted tickets for the Rhine Ballet b.o2 Kunst der Fuge for April 16th at 19:30. Email caroline@rhinebuzz.com for details.

The entire performance was stunning but the highlight for me was the heart-rendering centre piece "Signing Off." A strong, emotional dance that will remain with me forever. Unbelievably powerful in a mystical and haunting way, this award-winning piece by Paul Lightfoot and Sol León is about farewell.
Stunningly beautiful. One of the members of our group is a professional performer - he had tears in his eyes as we met for the intermission.
The Philip Glass music was just incredible.

We met members of the ensemble after the performance who shared the delights of working with the Rhine Ballet's director Martin Schläpfer with us. Simply put, we were told that each day is a new challenge and that the learning process, working with this quiet Swiss artist, is second to none. "Everyone is a star when working with Martin, there is no better director to be working with today" the ballerina smiled.

The next performance is on Friday 26th February and again on Saturday 27th. You can purchase tickets from the excellent Opera Shop or online.
b.03 runs in Düsseldorf until April 4th.